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Are You Ready to Speak with Us About How We Can Help?
Enhance the Value of Your Copyright Through Registration
Owning the copyright to a work allows you to prohibit others from producing or reproducing all or a substantial part of your work in any form without your permission. While registration of copyright is not required for copyright to subsist in a work in Canada, a certificate of registration provides evidence that your work is protected by copyright and that you are the owner of the work.
Moreover, failing to register copyright may leave a copyright owner exposed to a section of the Copyright Act which precludes an award of monetary damages where the defendant can prove that at the date of infringement it was not aware and had no reasonable ground for suspecting that copyright subsisted in the work infringed.
Since certificates of registration typically issue within a few days of application in Canada, registration should be considered prior to enforcing your copyright against copyright infringers in cases of ongoing infringement in Canada if a work has not been registered already.
Resolve Your Copyright Problem and Get Back to Business
If there's already a copyright dispute you’re dealing with, we're here to help get it resolved. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses and individuals resolve copyright disputes including by enforcing their rights in court. We’ve also helped hundreds of businesses and individuals accused of infringement or facing a challenge to their copyright rights resolve the matter through settlement or by vigorously defending the action.
Our copyright lawyers advise on all types of copyright law issues, including those relating to creation and subsistence of copyright in various works, copyright ownership, copyright registration, copyright infringement, and defences to copyright infringement.
Your Initial Appointment
We offer a free 30-minute video or audio call to discuss what services we can provide to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. We’ll also advise you about the costs of those services—we use predetermined or flat fees for most services outside of litigation and negotiation services.
The appointment will give you a better understanding of your options and a clearer sense of how best to proceed based on your individual circumstances. As copyright can be registered based on who is first to file an application, failing to act now could be fatal to your application. So don’t delay.
There is no obligation to hire us after the telephone appointment if you find that we are not the right fit. Similarly, if we don’t think we are the right firm for you, then we will help get you to the right lawyer for you.
Please call us during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET) at 416-546-7303 or use our online scheduler to set a date and time for a telephone appointment or a Microsoft Teams video call. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to getting to know you better.
Not ready to speak to us? Be sure to check out our Intellectual Property Resources before you go.
Phone: 416-546-7303
Online Scheduler
Additional resources:
Check out our Intellectual Property Resources